A commercial strike in Jerusalem

Jerusalem – Ma’an – A commercial strike took place today, Sunday, in the city of Jerusalem, in mourning for the souls of the martyrs of the “Nour Shams” camp in the city of Tulkarm.

Shops were closed, in the markets of the Old City and outside it.


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Police: A child was killed in a run-over accident in Yatta

Hebron – Ma’an – Police spokesman Colonel Louay Irziqat announced that a 5-year-old child was killed in a run-over accident in the town of Yatta, south of Hebron.

He added that the Public Prosecution was informed and the Traffic Police initiated inve…

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Jordan’s King, UK Prime Minister Talk Latest Gaza Developments

King Abdullah II of Jordan discussed Sunday over the phone with UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak the latest developments in the region.

King Abdullah II warned of the grave regional escalation that would imperil international peace and security, calling…

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