Al-Araji Chairs A Meeting To Discuss Ways To Combat Drugs

Today, Wednesday, the National Security Adviser, Qassem Al-Araji, chaired a meeting of the National Intelligence Council, in the presence of representatives of the security services and intelligence agencies.

The Council discussed the issue of (combating drugs), and the report of the Directorate for Combating Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances in the Federal Intelligence and Investigation Agency on the subject was reviewed and discussed, in terms of (facts, evaluation, current procedures, future procedures).

The Council issued several recommendations related to the issue of drugs, including the importance of amending the anti-drug law and requesting governors to support anti-drug departments in their governorates, providing devices and equipment to facilitate the work of the concerned departments and institutions, and establishing a media campaign at the level of ministries and the grassroots, to clarify the dangers of this phenomenon.

The Council concluded its meeting by stressing the importance of coordinating and unifying the efforts of the concerned agencies and institutions to confront this dangerous phenomenon.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency