Red Sea Fund Selects 33 Cinema Projects to Receive Funding

The Red Sea Fund announced today its selection of 33 promising projects from the Kingdom, the Arab region, and Africa to receive support and financial grants.The selected projects, which are in development, are based on promising and creative ideas th…

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Kuwait identifies martyr’s remains

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs declared on Thursday that the State of Kuwait, in its quest to establish destiny of the prisoners and the missing by DNA tests, has determined identity of one of the martyrs, Hamdan Mohammad Hamdan Al-Mutairi.Ambassador…

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Frankfurt Airport cancels many flights due to floods

Frankfurt Airport said Thursday that it halted a large number of international and local flights due to heavy rains that caused floods inside the airport.In a statement, the airport added that the two day heavy rain caused cancelation and delay of a b…

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A small Malaysian plane crashes on the western coast of the country

A small Malaysian plane crashed today, Thursday, in the western state of Selangor, without knowing the fate of its passengers.The Malaysian Civil Aviation Authority stated, in a statement, that a small plane with eight people on board crashed near the…

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