Al-Burhan arrives in the Qatari capital, Doha

Head of the Transitional Sovereignty Council in Sudan, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, arrived in the Qatari capital, Doha, today, Thursday morning.

The Qatar News Agency stated that Al-Burhan arrived this morning on a working visit to th…

Categorized as General

Kurdish MP: The events of Kirkuk will not affect the local elections

The Representative of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan in Kirkuk, Sabah Habib Qadir, ruled out that the recent events in the province would affect the course of the local elections scheduled for October.

Qader said in a statement: “These events will…

Categorized as General

Japan launches a rocket carrying a vehicle to land on the moon

Japan launched today, Thursday morning, an H-2A rocket carrying a spacecraft belonging to the National Space Agency to land on the moon, after unfavorable weather conditions delayed the launch three times within one week during the past month.

The J…

Categorized as General

GCC dialogue on children welfare opens in Abu Dhabi

The GCC dialogue on children welfare kicked off on Thursday in the presence of GCC Secretary General Jassem Al-Budaiwi and representatives of social affairs authorities of the GCC member states. The conference is organized by the UAE Supreme Council f…