Dr. Maqbouli and number of ministers visit State Minister Al-Bakir

The Deputy Prime Minister for Services and Development Affairs, Dr. Hussein Maqbouli, accompanied by a number of ministers, visited today Minister of State Abdulaziz Al-Bakir to check on his health, following the health ailment that befell him recently.

Dr. Maqbouli, along with the Ministers of Local Administration Ali Al-Qaisi, Public Health and Population Dr. Taha Al-Mutawakkil, Higher Education and Scientific Research Hussein Hazeb, State for Parliament,Shura Council Affairs Dr. Ali Abu Haliqa, Culture Abdullah Al-Kibsi and Dr. Hamid Al-Mazjaji reassured the health status of Minister Al-Bakir, which is witnessing continuous improvement.

They pray to the Almighty God to grant him complete recovery, bless him with health and wellness so that he can continue his governmental and political activities in the service of his country and society.

In turn, Minister Al-Bakir expressed his thanks and gratitude to his fellow members of the Ministers Council for this fraternal visit and the noble human gesture, asking God Almighty to preserve their health and spare them all evil and misfortune.

Source: Yemen News Agency

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