The President of the Republic: The relationship between the federal government and the Kurdistan Region is good, and there are mutual visits

Baghdad The President of the Republic, Abdul Latif Jamal Rashid, confirmed that the relationship between the federal government and the Kurdistan Region is good and there are mutual visits.

The Presidency's media office said in a statement, "The President of the Republic, Abdul Latif Jamal Rashid, received today, Sunday, at Baghdad Palace, the head of the Kurdistan Justice Group, Ali Babir, and his accompanying delegation."

The statement added, "During the meeting, the general conditions in the country and its developments were reviewed, as it stressed the necessity of concerted efforts of all political forces in order to establish security and stability, and improve the living and service conditions of citizens."

The President pointed out the importance of the dialogue and its continuation between the federal government and the Kurdistan Region in order to reach radical solutions to the outstanding issues in accordance with the Constitution and the law and in a way that guarantees the rights of all citizens, stressing that the relationship between the federal government and the Kurdistan Region is a good relationship and there are mutual visits and a desire on both sides to resolve these issues.

The President of the Republic touched on the positive developments, indicating that the government attached great importance to security stability, in addition to providing services, continuing the reform process, curbing corruption, rehabilitating infrastructure, and embarking on strategic projects, pointing out that Iraq has suffered greatly from wars, violence, terrorism and dictatorship, which has had a negative impact on many areas of economic, service and environmental life.

Rashid referred to the draft laws that the Presidency of the Republic submitted to the House of Representatives for voting, represented by the draft law of the Supreme Water Council, the draft law amending the decision of the dissolved Revolutionary Command Council regarding real estate expropriation, as well as the draft law of the Supreme Authority for the Empowerment of Women, in addition to the draft law amending the drug law, Psychotropic substances, and the draft law to recover proceeds of corruption.

The President of the Republic spoke about the water crisis and its effects on Iraq, noting that there are no international or bilateral agreements among countries that guarantee everyone’s right to fair water shares, in addition to the lack of modernization of the irrigation system.

For his part, Ali Babir expressed his happiness at meeting the President of the Republic, stressing the importance of establishing security and stability, ensuring the rights of citizens and meeting their aspirations.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency

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