Arab Summit: Chairman of Libya’s Presidential Council Calls for Adopting a Unified Position on Libya

Chairman of Libya's Presidential Council Mohamed Al Menfi called on Arab leaders to adopt a unified position towards the situation in Libya, stop negative and non-constructive interference, and support the democratic path and peaceful transition of power.

In his speech before the 32nd regular session of the Arab League Council at the summit level held in Jeddah, Al Menfi underlined the importance of employing every dialogue to complete the implementation of the road map emanating from the political dialogue, achieve its goals, and move away from everything that would increase divisions in Libya.

He affirmed support for all individual and collective efforts to achieve Arab solidarity, heal the rift, and reject differences between Arab countries, expressing his readiness to engage in efforts to resolve the Sudanese crisis, which leads to ending the fighting and preserving stability in the region.

The Chairman of Libya's Presidential Council Mohamed Al Menfi also called for the implementation of all Arab League resolutions calling for support for the steadfastness and rights of the Palestinian people and their right to establish their independent state in accordance with relevant United Nations resolutions, condemning the incursions and attacks against Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Source: Qatar News Agency

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